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Uspostava pametnog grada ne funkcionira bez pametnih i angažiranih građana koji razumiju izazove s kojima se njihov grad nosi i koji se žele aktivno uključiti u razvoj pojedinačnih tehnoloških rješenja.

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Nositelj i prijavitelj projekta Centra kompetencija za pametne gradove je Smart RI d.o.o. uz pomoć kojeg će grad Rijeka postati testni i pokazni centar za „pametne“ tehnologije, u kojem će se provoditi pilot-projekti radi unapređenja proizvoda i/ili usluga do razine spremnosti za komercijalizaciju.

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EDIH Adria je konzorcij stručnjaka za umjetnu inteligenciju, računalstvo visokih performansi, razvoj i primjenu digitalnih tehnologija i dio je Mreže europskih digitalnih centara za inovacije (European Digital Innovation Hubs Network) koju čini preko 150 centara širom Europe.

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The CEKOM Project (Center of Competence for Smart Cities) – 2014-2020 Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion
Total value of the project is 149,631,384.15 HRK, of which 95,357,525.75 HRK is the amount co-financed by the EU.
The project implementation period is from 01 March, 2020 to 01 March, 2023.
Contact person – Nenad Antolović, nenad.antolovic@smart-ri.hr



How to reach a smart sustainable city (SSC)?

Previous initiatives aimed at designing and implementing POG have proven that there is no single approach to making the city smarter and more sustainable. Each city represents a unique system, where different actors – city government, utility companies and citizens, undertake numerous activities, creating a complex of interactions and interdependencies. Understanding the specific environmental and social contexts of a city, its priority activities, as well as its history and specific characteristics, it becomes important to

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Why we need Smart Cities?

Smart cities use modern technologies to provide their citizens with a better standard of living through information and communication technology. In the last few years, the concept of smart city has become so popular and attractive as a new innovative industry that competition has started for someone to invent something new, so some have devised a “smarter” model because the goal is to constantly improve the system and always strive for better, not some level

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newly created jobs
market-ready products
partners on the project
collaborative research-developmental projects
years of project duration